Chromaticity – Razer Chroma Unity Plugin

I’ve been working lately on putting together an easy to use Unity package for working with the Razer Chroma APIs. So far I have the mouse fully working, but don’t have a Chroma keyboard or headset. Hopefully some other awesome person who has the other hardware will help with testing those soon. 😛

In order for this to work you MUST install the “Razer_Chroma_SDK_Core_v0.2.4” executable that’s provided, and exit Synapse if it is running in the system tray. If you would rather, this can be downloaded from the Razer developer portal. It installs essential libraries.

Here is a sample executable that should manipulate all lighting on any Chroma mouse in Windows (x86/64). If you give it a try and see any issues, please let me know!

Chromaticity Test Build

If you run into any issues when using the application, please share the details in this Google Drive doc. Chromaticity Issues. (Currently only Chroma mice should work.)

When running the application you will be presented with the following screen. I’ll explain each option in more detail below.

This option changes the LED location. The options are

  • ScrollWheel
  • Logo
  • Backlight


This option sets the desired effect.

  • Blinking
  • Breathing
  • Static
  • Spectrum Cycling


This area can be used to set the desired color. Using the sliders provided, the red/green/blue channels can each be set individually to modify the color.


Click apply to send the changes to your mouse and see them in action!




Easy Defines (Global Defines in Unity)

I’ve added a new Unity editor extension to reduce overhead from maintaining defines. With this extension new global defines can be added and toggled for the editor, C#, and Unityscript.

This tool is entirely open source (Apache 2.0). I welcome bug reports and pull requests! Please enjoy and contribute.

Download Unity Package : EasyDefines.unitypackage

Source : Easy Defines on Github


Trying to relaunch this website the last few months has been a real challenge. Apparently time is more difficult to come by than I originally thought, at least the time required by the ol’ website. Anyways, here are a couple simple prototypes that I’ve been working on.

The first prototype is something that was created for mobile devices, but is currently using mouse/keyboard input for the sake of the web player. This prototype was worked on by myself and an artist by the name of Pedro Rodriguez. It was used to as an experiment in simplistic fun. Use the mouse to look around, WASD for movement, and hold space bar to pick up boxes with the tractor beam.

Alien Prototype

The next prototype is something that I’m actively working on every chance I get and will end up being an action/adventure title for mobile, without using any virtual buttons. All movements and actions will be performed contextually by touches and gestures. I’m very excited but this is a very rough/early prototype focusing on the player movement, camera movement, and enemy pathing. Click to walk, scroll middle mouse to zoom, click and drag to rotate camera.

Adventure Prototype <— super early/rough, be nice